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Conflicts of Loyalty in a Participatory Grant Making Model


Farming the Future is committed to redistributing power over funding decisions and processes to individuals with a deep understanding of the needs and priorities of the agroecological movement.

One of the ways we do this is by using a participatory grant making model where Ambassadors from the agroecology movement shape how our funding is distributed and hold sole decision making power over what organisations receive funding.

The model of participatory grant making means many of the individuals representing the sector are staff/volunteers/advisors/friends or in some way connected to organisations that apply to Farming the Future for funding.

To better reflect the fact that we have brought on these individuals specifically for their connections in and understanding of the movement we use the term conflicts of loyalty to refer to situations where an Ambassador may have some degree of connection to prospective partner. Where an Ambassador stands to gain a direct financial benefit from a proposal under consideration we do consider and mitigate the risks of conflicts of interest.

Both the participatory grant making group and field building groups have processes in place to manage direct conflicts of interest. Individuals joining the Farming the Future Collective as Ambassadors complete a full register of interests as part of their formal contract with FTF.

Where there is a potential conflict of loyalty, Ambassadors agree to use their best judgement in considering their relationship to the prospective partner alongside the criteria and decision making guidelines for allocating funding. Where there is a potential conflict of interest, Ambassadors also agree to abide by the decision making processes set out in their respective working circles.

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